Come out and support our young artist at the Fine Arts Night December 11th from 5-8pm in the Ritchie County High School Commons. Band Concerts will begin at 6:30pm in the Band Room beginning with the RCMS Band. There will be artwork for sale along with free refreshments!
Come out and support our young artist at the Fine Arts Night December 11th from 5-8pm in the Ritchie County High School Commons. Band Concerts will begin at 6:30pm in the Band Room beginning with the RCMS Band. There will be artwork for sale along with free refreshments!
Our Communities in Schools workers attended their state conference Nov. 28-30th. They had a visitor from Governor Justice and were greeted by some exciting news. The West Virginia Department of Education is the first state education department to receive national certification as a licensed Communities in Schools partner!
Come out and support our young artist at the Fine Arts Night December 11th from 5-8pm in the Ritchie County High School Commons.
Band Concerts will begin at 6:30pm in the Band Room beginning with the RCMS Band.
There will be artwork for sale along with free refreshments!
Come out and support the Ritchie County High School theatre departments as we present our fall production of "As You Wish". There will be 3 public performances and doors will open 45 minutes prior to each performance. Tickets can be purchased at the door. $8.00 for adults and $5.00 for students. Friday, the 15th, the performance will be at 6:30. The performance on Saturday and Sunday, the 16th & 17th, will both be at 2:00 in the afternoon.
Happy Thanksgiving from Ritchie County Schools! Enjoy time with family and friends.
Reminder- No School November 20th-24th for Thanksgiving Break.
FFA Fruit Sale
Ritchie County High School FFA is in the midst of their annual fruit sale. Not only do they have fruit, they also have meat sticks and cheesecake. This is a great way to support the FFA with something good to eat. All orders are due to the school by Nov. 17th. If you have questions you may contact Wendy Knopp at the school. The food is scheduled for delivery the week of Dec. 11th.
FFA Fruit Sale
Ritchie County High School FFA is currently in the midst of their annual fruit sale. If you enjoy fruit, this is a great way to support the FFA with some tasty fruit. All orders are due by Nov. 17th.
Parents/ caregivers, Please take time to complete the school climate survey for Ritchie County Middle School. This is an important survey that helps guide our school on improvements to ensure a supportive learning environment for our students. This survey is accessible until November 17th. We appreciate your input!
Login Code: P077302
Reminder: Tomorrow is Picture Retake Day for RCMS / RCHS. If your student was absent on picture day, they will have their photo taken for the yearbook. Proofs will be sent home with ordering instructions, or you can pay for your package online at : using this Picture Day ID: EVTDT2VG2 . Paper forms are also available in the office.
Ritchie County Schools, Publishing on October 29, 2023 at 11:30 AM
The Ritchie County High School Theatre Department will present a Murder Mystery Dinner Theatre on November 11th & 12th. Tickets must be purchased in advance. Orders due by November 6th.
Ritchie County High School Drama Department will host a Murder Mystery Dinner Fundraiser on Saturday, November 11th and 12th. Help support our drama department and enjoy a show with a 3 course meal. You must purchase a ticket by November 6th to attend the show. We can’t wait to get your reply.
A day to show our appreciation...
The Ritchie County Middle School Veterans Day Program will be held on Thursday November 9th at 9 AM. All Veterans are welcome to attend. Breakfast will be available.
Each month, we are looking for students who portray certain character traits . In the month of September, teachers nominated students who showed "Perseverance". One student from each grade level was then selected as the Blazer Leader of the month. Congratulations to Caroline Mullen, Donnie Shirley, Mason Richards, and Greyson Starcher!
Updated flyer for Halloween Contest / Parade during school on Halloween.
The Ritchie County High School Theatre Department will present a Murder Mystery Dinner Theatre on November 11th & 12th. Tickets must be purchased in advance. Orders due by November 6th.
Ms. Johnson’s class celebrated 100 100’s on i-Ready lessons last week with a Fabulous Frozen Friday Treat!
Information from Coach Clevenger regarding Boys Basketball... Go, Blazers!
Good Luck to the Blazer Football team as they travel to Tyler County this evening for the last game of the season. Kick-off is at 6PM. Go, Blazers!