Debbie White - Principal
Phone: (304)659-2140
Fax: (304)659-3322
Creed Collins Elementary
512 Collins Avenue
Pennsboro, WV 26415
We are Cardinals:
C - Cardinals
A - Are
R - Responsible
D - Dedicated
S - Students
Our Mission:
Creed Collins Elementary believes in high quality learning for all!
About us:
Creed Collins Elementary is a Pre-K to 4th grade Title l School. Our school is located at 512 Collins Avenue, Pennsboro, WV. We currently have two classes per grade level with approximately 200 students enrolled at our school.
The current building was built on the site of the former Creed Collins Mansion known as Oak Hall. The family of Creed Collins donated the property in 1963 to the school.
Photos of the Collins Mansion can be viewed at:
Appalachian History
“One of the most important business enterprises of modern Pennsboro was the founding of the Collins Company, [the holding company for Pennsboro Lumber Company] which was opened as a retail planing-mill in 1905,” declares Minnie Lowther’s 1910 ‘History of Ritchie County (WV).’
More on the life of Creed Collins can be viewed at:
Photos of the Collins Family can be viewed at:
The gravestone of Creed Collins can be viewed at: